RAF Halton Summer Ball

On 1st July the Band joined forces with the RAF Halton Area Voluntary Band to provide music for the RAF Halton officer’s mess summer ball. The bands played on a large covered stage in the grounds of Halton House, and the guests dined in the shelter of marquees on the other side of the lawn, though luckily the weather was warm and dry. Following a flying display by a vintage Spitfire, the guests were led to dinner by the RAF Halton Pipe Band. Then the Aylesbury and Halton bands played a variety of music including, appropriately, 633 Squadron by Ron Goodwin, and The Dambusters by Eric Coates, which drew enthusiastic applause.

Prior to the inevitable “Last Night of the Proms” finale, there was to be a firework display, accompanied by a recording of the 1812 Overture. The music started, but hardly had the fireworks begun when all the power went off, the music stopped and the lights went out! It took a while for power to be restored, though only a few of the lights came on so it was lucky that each band had brought some battery operated lights. The band then played the finale, Jerusalem, Henry Wood’s Sea Songs and Elgar Land of Hope and Glory with enthusiastic participation by the guests, then the firework display restarted, this time without a hitch.

An eventful evening, rather different from the usual sort of events we play for.

1 comment on “RAF Halton Summer Ball”

  1. great to read about the bands adventures. It brings back fond memories of our time with the band in 2002

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