I’m sure you will all agree 2020 has been an interesting year and our music making has definitely been impacted by Covid -19. However Aylesbury Concert Band has still been busy!
Here’s some of what we have been up to in 2020 so far……….
Back in March, just before we went into our first national lockdown, we were very fortunate to be able to run a band Development Day. We were delighted to be joined by past conductor Claire Lawrence and Band President Rob Wiffin who made it a thoroughly enjoyable day introducing us to new pieces by composers such as Philip Sparke, Nigel Hess, Michael Markowski and Steven Bryant. As always they certainly put us through our paces!

Sadly that was the last time we were able to play together for a few months but we have managed to stay in touch with each other via our weekly band zoom calls.
These calls have proved very popular (so popular in fact various pets are also now regular participants!) and are a welcome chance to catch up with the folks we are used to seeing every Wednesday. As you would expect the chat covers a variety of subjects and we have also had our brains stretched with a couple of quizzes.
During the summer, while regulations still meant we were unable to play together, several band members stepped out of their comfort zones to record solo performances which were then skilfully edited together by our Musical Directors to produce video performances from the band. This is apparently quite a tricky process but the end results were worth it! Our first online performance was our own version of Somewhere Over the rainbow, played as a tribute to all NHS staff, carers and essential workers. Every year we usually play at the Aylesbury Vale Proms in The park, one of our favourite engagements. Sadly this year, as expected, this was cancelled and prompted our next recording Hits from the Proms. Follow these links to hear and see them on the band Facebook page. Enjoy!