If you play a wind instrument and would like to join us, please send us a message. Please note that you probably need to be of grade 6 or better standard to cope with some of our repertoire.
Current Vacancies
We are always delighted to welcome new members and we welcome enquiries from anyone who plays a suitable instrument. However, at the moment we particularly require the following:–
- Trombones
- Percussion (tuned and untuned)
Rehearsals are held every Wednesday evening from 7.30 to 9.30pm in the Performing Arts Centre at Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School, Oxford Road (A418), Aylesbury, HP21 8PE. Here is a map showing the location of the school, which is next door to The Buckinghamshire College Group. There is free parking next to the centre, but it isn’t obvious how to get there. Leave the A418 Oxford road at the mini-roundabout and drive into the College. Drive straight ahead past the college buildings on your left, then follow the road round to the right as if to leave the college. Immediately after driving through the exit gate, turn left into the school before you reach the main road again. There are signs high up either side pointing to the Performing Arts Centre. The arrows on the map below show the path you should take.
Warning: the parking spaces belonging to the College and Bucks UTC are monitored by ANPR cameras, and if you park in them you will be fined.