On Friday 21st May the Band once again performed at the annual “Mayor Making” ceremony. This is the occasion each year when the Mayor of Aylesbury hands over to his or her successor for the following year, before an audience of the town councillors and other invited guests representing the community. As in previous years this took place in the Civic Centre, but this was for the last time as the Centre is due to close next month to make way for the new theatre over the road, which opens in October.
The day of the Mayor Making always seems to be warm, and this year was no exception. On stage the lights magnify the heat, so the whole experience for the band was quite uncomfortable, even though we were playing in shirt sleeves. Nevertheless it is to everyoneâs credit that the Band still put in an excellent performance. Fortunately we didn’t have to arrive and set up until most of the ceremony and the speeches were over, as the band was required to play to accompany the dinner which rounds off the evening.
The band was conducted on this occasion by Robert Wicks, and the programme included a selection from My Fair Lady, The Beatles, A Victorian Kitchen Garden, two movements from Pineapple Poll, a selection of music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, English Folk Song Suite by Vaughan Williams, Serenade by Derek Bourgeois, and a selection of themes from the James Bond films. Despite only being background music, the guests applauded many of the pieces, which was gratifying. While this may not be the most enjoyable of gigs, it does give the band an opportunity to be heard by many influential people from around Aylesbury who otherwise might not come to our concerts, and this must help to enhance our reputation among the wider community.