Looking for a New Musical Director

Could you be our next Musical Director?

Aylesbury Concert Band is a vibrant and enthusiastic community band, celebrating its 25th year of making music. We are now looking for a Musical Director to set us firmly on the road for a further successful 25 years.

Rehearsals are held weekly on a Wednesday in Aylesbury, and as an active band we perform throughout the year in a variety of venues for anything from concerts to civic services to fêtes.

Expenses are paid for those rehearsals and gigs that the Musical Director conducts, but this is purely a voluntary position with no salary attached. The band also has an Assistant Musical Director with whom rehearsals and conducting duties will be shared as required.

If you think you could help us win another gold or platinum at the NCBF then please email our Chairman at chairman@aylesburyband.org.

Closing date for applications is 29th November 2019. Auditions will be held in January 2020, with a view to the successful applicant commencing in February 2020.

Here is a detailed job description.